Saturday, February 28, 2015


I just want to tell you something that's really important for us to know,
I realised that I've made some mistakes,
And that sometimes, I make you mad,
We fight for no reasons, most of the time,
But u know that I'm still here for you,
And I know we 're still fighting for 'US'
Because I know that you're worth it.

I love spending time with you,
I love every single moment that we've shared,
You're the reason to my smiles and tears, everyday,
I love the fact you're part of my life,
You're so important to me.

I just want to be by your side for the rest of my life,
I know that it's hard to not give up,
But relationships aren't perfect,
So, we don't give up on each other,
We will get through it.

Though there are people saying we couldn't make it, we weren't going to last,
But look at us! We're still together,
I'm so proud of you that I just want to show you off to everybody,
And one day, we will SHOW THE WORLD, WE'VE MADE IT!
It's because our LOVE IS STRONGER than what they've thought of.

I promise I'll take care of you,
I promise to love you more and more everyday, 
I promise to be a better person,
Because I want to be WORTHY!

I don't care about your past anymore,
I've put down,
I just want to be your present and your future.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014





当我想起,我就好伤心,难过和生气~  因为,到现在我不明白为什么她们要这样对我~


好可怜的劭康,被我拿来出气了,可是他还是很理智的告诉我说放下, 提醒我不开乱骂人~

我也懂,该放下,原谅~ 可是说的容易,做的难呀~

我需要好多的时间, 或许,一年,两年或跟久~




2012 年发生的事情, 我在2013的时候就放下和原谅了那两位朋友~

至于今年的那两位, 我不懂到几时我才能够完全放下,可是我懂我需要一段时间。一定不短因为他们对我的伤害太深了~


可能那件事就会像我的影子跟着我到永远, 何年何日我才能够原谅那个人呢?


有时候, 真的觉得自己快疯了, 三年以来, 经历的事情太多了, 也让我见识了好多种人~



最后,最想谢谢的人还是劭康~ 你的体贴,温柔,了解还有一切的一切,我都好珍惜~ 人没有完美的~ 谢谢你接受了我的弱点。我要你知道,我对你的感恩不输你对我的。一切竟在不言中~

P/S : 今晚真的好对不起。好不容易让你心情好点了,但又被我破坏掉了~

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

That One Man~

The world consists of billions of men and women. Men and women are made for each other and this is the reason why we have more and more generations coming up. This is the results of love between humans. But, what is love? Till one day when I meet this man, then only I know what true love is. He taught me the real meaning of true love, beliefs, faith and maturity. Is it just me? But, I think I'm really lucky to find him and proudly to say, he belongs to me~ Now, he is added into my list of my most important men in my life, besides my papa and brothers~

1) That one man who brings colours into my life

Eversince I know him, we've gone through so many things together. Ups and downs, happiness and sadness, successes and failures~ From the day I know him, he brings laughters and smiles but not forgetting tears and disappointment. That's colours of life~ Bright and dull are all present in our world. There's no perfect life, and as we are just normal human beings, we are just a pair of normal couples too~ One moment we can be so happy together, the next moment we can be fighting and then we get together back. Haha :D It is definitely an interesting life for me. This is because I prefer a colourful life than a colourless life.

2) That one man who is matured enough to tell me what true love is

Being quite different from other guys, his thinkings do amused me. The way he brought me up with the concept of a matured relationship makes me know that he is reliable enough for me to trust him with all my heart. Our relationships may differ quite a lot with the others, but I know, everyone has a different way in handling. But his way just make me have respect for him. Being deeply in love ain't about sweet talks, spending time sticking to each other everyday and all those lovey dovey things, but it is all about trust and faith~ 

3) That one man that stands on my side no matter what happens

He is the one being there when everyone doubted me. He is the one trusting me with all his heart for whatever I do. He is the one there that never leave me no matter what incidence happens. He is my base and my support. He never put oils on fire when I'm involved in a situation. He will comfort me by diverging my attention and finding solutions together with me. He has never doubted me for he trusts my personality and he clearly knows the way I carry myself. The principles that I hold to in my life~

4) That one man who includes me into his future plans

Everytime, I feel so loved when he tells about his future plans. I love that feeling when we are discussing our future life. It is a sort of confirmation that he gives to me. When he introduced me to his family, somehow I feel assured. Going on a trip with his parents is also a moment that I love. Getting to know them better and being closer feels good. I wonder does he feels the same when he is with my family? Haha =) Guess so :P

5) That one man who I wish to stay by his side forever

There's no other reason better than this. I love him~ With all my heart~ Someone who manages to put in perfections and imperfections. Someone special like him, I never wanna let go. He's is unique, the only one in this world. 

Messages to you : I'm really lucky that I found you. And proudly I can say, you 're mine. Don't doubt yourself because you are perfect to me~ I love u, Ng Shao Kang! <3 font="">

Thursday, March 21, 2013


18/03/2013,那一瞬间,我的世界变得好乱~ 一直跟自己说,这一场杖一点都不容易打~ 可是我还是必须硬着头皮去打。从那时,我好多时候都快崩溃了。很想哭但哭不出来,应为我必须坚强。我不懂这一场杖要打倒何年何月何日~可是我很清楚知道,不短!当时的我,还必须面对有完没完的考试~当时,又有好多的烦恼!坦白说,我已经哭倒没有泪水了~

你这个可恶,我讨厌你,我恨你,我很想杀了你!你害了我最关心和爱的人!可是,如果我输给你的话,那我太不争气了。我一定要赢你!当我知道这事实时, 你知不知道这是一个多么大的打击啊?对一个20岁的女生,你不觉得这是一个很大的烦恼吗?我能当作什么事情都没发生吗?又不能跟任何人说,只好压在自己的心理,默默地承受~ 

为了你,我知道这一切是值得的!就算多辛苦,我也会坚持下去!我们会胜利的!我的愿望很简单,只希望一切都变回原来的那样~ 生日愿望可以许三个~ 那今年的,我第一个是我要赢这一场杖 ,第二个和第三个, 是让我的第一个愿望实现~ 就如此的简单...

Monday, February 18, 2013


想一想,我来到印度已经半年了... 我觉得我好像坚强了许多因为很少哭了... 可是,最近真的有一点不能锭了... 很想很想好好的哭一场... 虽然我一直跟自己说,不要complain, 不要想太多, 可是在印度读书真的一点都不简单... 来到了印度,我真的变了许多~ 坚强了,成熟了,看开了,会吃苦了, 这一切都是我没想到的~ 以前的我, 如果一没有电,就会吵着说热,看不到... 现在的我,没电了,还继续做当时做的东西... 以前的我, mummy煮的不合我口味就不吃,现在的我,多么希望有个mummy在我身边... 家常饭还是最幸福的~ 最近越来越忙了,让我更加的想家了... 课业上每一天都在赶,功课也要定时交了~ 坦白说,我真的有点累了~~~

最近的我每天很早睡,然后很早起,就为了读书~ 每天都逼着自己一定要读书,每天每天都告诉自己一定要读之少一点点,每天每天的routine都是一样的... 起床,读书,早餐,上课,午餐,上课,下课,休息,读书,晚餐,读书,睡觉... 而且,这个routine要继续到externals考完为止~ 虽然说长不长,说短不短,可是还是觉得还好久啊!以前的我哪里是这样的? 以前的我,要读才读, 不读就放轻松自己... 完完全全看心情的... 可是我知道,现在不能拿来跟以前比~ 他告诉过我,Degree 的书不再能和 SPM 和 A-levels 的比. 读书方式一定要改~ 因为以前的我可以在考试前一晚把整本书读完~ 现在真的不能了... 一定要每天读一点点才能记得因为要读的东西真的太多了~

可能我最近会如此的辛苦是因为起初来到这里的时候适应不到,专心不到,又加上我跟他的开始,让我的4个月是白费的了~ 现在,连出去也要limit 时间~ 可是,不要紧~ 我会追回来的.. 因为我并不后悔做出了这个选择~ 有了他,让我好过多了~ 他的鼓励,支持和关心让我在这里拥有继续的努力~ 好几次了,跟他说说话或见见面后,又再有回该有的动力~可是我懂,最近我们俩都越来越忙了~ 我不可以事事都烦他. 他也要有他的空间,专心读书的时间~我不可以做个inconsiderate的女朋友, 所以有些事还是自己扛吧~ 再加上,我要做个配得起他的女朋友,我一定要更加努力!我要加油!才能考到能配得起她的成绩!

说实话,我很想家,很想secondary school 的生活,很想 A-levels 的生活... 好想念我的家人~ 想起secondary school 的时候,有爸每天载我上下学,午餐的时候还拿mummy 煮的饭给我吃~ 当时,我真的是生在福中不知福~ 每天每天去学校都是开开心心的,除了考试的时候而已~ A-levels 的时候也蛮开心的~想家时,任何一个weekend就可以坐巴士回家,还是去找哥还是堂哥堂姐表哥表姐们~ 偶尔偶尔,跟朋友们出去shopping 放松心情~ 多好啊!这里不能这样子... 最靠近的shopping mall 也要坐5小时的车才能到 = 我从KTT回到家~ >.< 见家人也只好通过Skype 了~ 

我很想逃避现实... 可是我很清楚知道这是不可能的! 这条路是我自己选的! 是为了我未来的路,我热爱的工作的路,我辛福的路~ 每一天想回爸说的话,学生时代就是读书,不需要烦恼其他事情!压力了,就放松一下自己,然后再继续!谢谢你,爸!

发泄完毕!继续努力! 加油啊,王怡静!